"ANGIOLINE" sponsored for the annual meeting of "Angiopicture" again

The Angoline company became the sponsor of the Second annual meeting of "Angiopicture 2019" organized by the medical group of the same name which unites specialists in the field of cardiology on the platform of social network Facebook. The company gives support to this annual action already for the second time: last year Angoline was a sponsor of the first annual meeting of the Angiopicture group. As well as the previous year, during the meeting the disputable, new and insufficiently covered topics connected with treatment of cardiovascular diseases were considered. Participants at the event – several hundreds of specialists from Russia and the countries of the FSU and beyond – exchanged practical experience of surgical interventions, considered difficult clinical cases and discussed issues of use of modern techniques and the equipment. As well as last year, key subjects, moderators and coordinators of a meeting were chosen by vote of participants of the Angiopicture group. "Support which we render "Angiopicture" again is absolutely logical: it is the unique platform for professional development of specialists in the field of cardiology which analogs in Russia just do not exist. Are characteristic of an action as use of modern formats of dialogue among which there are online broadcastings, a competition of clinical cases, a competition of surgical videos and other decisions, and the maximum variety of the issues discussed within the agenda. I will note that our help in the organization of this action – a part of a lot of work on distribution among specialists in the field of cardiology of the advanced knowledge which Angoiline carries out on a regular basis. In particular, this year with our support in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Kaliningrad there passes the cycle of training courses on treatment of valve pathology, coronary heart disease and a stroke which participants are dozens of doctors", - the medical director of Angoline Oleg Volkov commented. The Angioicture group unites more than 7300 participants now – clinical specialists: the rentgenendovaskulyarnykh, cardiovascular and general surgeons, phlebologists, cardiologists and therapists, specialists on noninvasive diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Germany, the USA, Israel. In 2018 50 educational actions were announced already, about 10 live broadcasts and webinars are carried out, several master classes are organized.