
"ANGIOLINE" presented the products at exhibitions in Ufa and Nizhny Novgorod and sponsored for a conference in Kemerovo

"Angioline" presented the products at the exhibitions which took place within the conferences on aspects of intervention cardiology in Ufa and Nizhny Novgorod and also sponsored for a conference in the city of Kemerovo. Visitors of the exhibitions which took place during these conferences (the IV Volga region interregional scientific and practical conference "Topical Issues of X-ray Surgical Interventions" in Ufa on April 5-6 and the scientific and practical conference "Topical Issues of Intervention Radiology" in Nizhny Novgorod, on April 23) could get acquainted with the stand and distributing materials which contained information on developments of the company. Including data on coronary stents of "Calypso" and "Sinus", balloon catheters of "Colubris", conduction catheters "Navigator" and diagnostic catheters "Loodsman" and also other hi-tech medical products for intervention cardiology were provided. Also "Angioine" sponsored for an interregional seminar "Twenty years of work of the Siberian association of intervention cardiologists. Our achievements" which took place on April 12-13 in Kemerovo. The decision to give support to this representative action was explained by the fact that during this conference the issues of development of intervention cardiology relevant for Siberian Federal District were systemically discussed. In particular, dynamics of endovascular interventions in Siberian Federal District, results of scientific projects in the field of X-rayendovascular surgery and global trends in development of intervention cardiology was discussed at a seminar. "In April we continued to inform medical community on our product line and also to support substantial discussions on various aspects of vascular interventions. The geography of our presence at conferences included profile actions in several large Russian cities and allowed to acquaint a wide range of potential clients and partners with developments of the company and also to tell them competitive advantages of the products which are turned out by us" - the medical director of "Angioine" Oleg Volkov noted.

Подписавшись на рассылку новостей мы гарантируем, что будем отправлять не более одного - два письма в месяц. Основными темами рассылок будут достижения компании в области разработки оборудования и аксессуаров для ангиопластики.


Изготовление полимерных трубок медицинского назначения по индивидуальному заказу

Компания Ангиолайн принимает заказы на изготовление прецизионных полимерных трубок для производства медицинских изделий. Наши преимущества: опыт производства высокотехнологичных медицинских изделий более 15 лет, высококвалифицированные инженеры, современные экструзионные линии.

  • Трубки производятся методом экструзии из термопластичных полимерных материалов.
  • В наличии широкий выбор полимерных материалов различных цветов:
    • полиамиды,
    • полиолефины,
    • полиэфирблокамид (PEBA),
    • полиуретаны,
    • фторполимеры.
  • Диапазоны диаметров трубок: от 0,5 до 7 мм с точностью до 0,02 мм.
  • Толщина стенок трубок: до 0,1 мм с точностью до 0,02 мм.
  • Возможно изготовление из полимерных материалов с рентгенконтрастными наполнителями.
  • Возможна нарезка трубок или намотка на катушку.

Контактные данные:
Офис продаж
8 (383) 363-97-62
