Within the framework of tct russia 2017 angioline company held the business lunch dedicated to presentation of results of e-calipso 2 register
ANGIOLINE Company took part in the TCT Russia 2017 – the XIX Moscow International Course on X-Ray Endovascular Diagnostics and Treatment - and within its framework it held a business lunch dedicated to presentation of results of the e-Calipso 2 Register. During the lunch, the results of the first year of the CALIPSO coronary stent application in more than 1000 patients were presented. Distinctive feature of the investigation is the absence of special patient selection. Surgeries are performed in actual clinical practice at the Academician E.N. Meshalkin’s National Medical Research Institute of Blood Pathology (Novosibirsk) to all patients who require this procedure for health reasons.
The TCT Russia 2017 – the XIX Moscow International Course on X-Ray Endovascular Diagnostics and Treatment is the biggest Russian Congress on the issues of endovascular methods for diagnostics and treatment. This year it was held on June 8-10 in St. Petersburg. The event has been arranged by the U.S. Cardiovascular Research Foundation (CRF) and the Russian Scientific Society of Endovascular Therapies, and each year it gathers the world leading endovascular surgeons. This year, a number of the registered Congress participants has exceeded 1500 people.
To view the presentationby PATRIOT Principal Coordinating Clinical Investigator, Ph.D. of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher, X-ray Endovascular Physician of the Interventional Cardiology Center of the Academician E.N. Meshalkin’s National Medical Research Institute of Blood Pathology Evgeny Kretov, click here: