
Angioline will hold training courses in cardiovascular disease treatment

Experts of Angioline organize a cycle of training courses in the treatment of valvular pathology, coronary heart disease and stroke. Dozens of doctors specializing in X-ray endovascular diagnosis and treatment will become participants in the educational program, which will be held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Kaliningrad. The purpose of training courses conducted by the company is to improve the skills of interventional cardiologists and to train them in the skills of working with the latest equipment for endovascular surgery. The courses will be taught by invited experts from leading medical centers in Russia. The company organizes training courses independently in cooperation with leading clinics that are leaders in the respective areas of vascular interventions. The first training course will take place in St. Petersburg approximately in the middle of April. The event is planned to be held in conjunction with the St. Petersburg Research Institute of First Aid named after I.I. Janelidze, it will focus on the organizational and technical aspects of endovascular care for strokes. The next training course of Angioline will be held on April 18 in Novosibirsk at the E.N. Meshalkin's National Medical Research Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia.The educational program will be devoted to the practical application of the Calypso stent for complex lesions of the coronary arteries. The head teacher of the course will be the head of the cardiac surgery department No. 2 of the center for interventional cardiology, doctor of endovascular diagnosis and treatment, candidate of medical sciences Oleg Krestyaninov. The subject of another third course, which will be held this autumn also in Novosibirsk, will be transcatheter aortic valve replacement - that is, a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves replacing the damaged aortic valve with an artificial one without surgical removal of the old valve. The leading coach of the course will be doctor of the endovascular diagnosis and treatment of the E.N. Meshalkin's National Medical Research Center of the Ministry of Health of Russia, chief endovascular surgeon of the Novosibirsk region Yevgeny Kretov. In addition to its own courses, the company regularly supports educational activities of the Russian Scientific Society of Specialists in Endovascular Diagnosis and Treatment. The first such course was devoted to endovascular treatment of structural diseases of the heart and blood vessels and was held on March 14 in Kaliningrad as part of the second All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Endovascular treatment of structural diseases of the heart and blood vessels." Two more courses are scheduled at the end of the year, within their framework aspects of endovascular treatment of coronary heart disease and stroke will be considered.

Подписавшись на рассылку новостей мы гарантируем, что будем отправлять не более одного - два письма в месяц. Основными темами рассылок будут достижения компании в области разработки оборудования и аксессуаров для ангиопластики.


Изготовление полимерных трубок медицинского назначения по индивидуальному заказу

Компания Ангиолайн принимает заказы на изготовление прецизионных полимерных трубок для производства медицинских изделий. Наши преимущества: опыт производства высокотехнологичных медицинских изделий более 15 лет, высококвалифицированные инженеры, современные экструзионные линии.

  • Трубки производятся методом экструзии из термопластичных полимерных материалов.
  • В наличии широкий выбор полимерных материалов различных цветов:
    • полиамиды,
    • полиолефины,
    • поливинилхлорид,
    • полиэфирблокамид (PEBA),
    • полиуретаны,
    • фторполимеры.
  • Диапазоны диаметров трубок: от 0,5 до 7 мм с точностью до 0,02 мм.
  • Толщина стенок трубок: до 0,1 мм с точностью до 0,02 мм.
  • Возможно изготовление из полимерных материалов с рентгенконтрастными наполнителями.
  • Возможна нарезка трубок или намотка на катушку.

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8 (383) 363-97-62
