
Angioline introduced new developments in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

"Angioline" company has demonstrated to the medical community new developments in the field of treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Among them, we especially expect the transcatheter aortic valve of the heart. The working model of the valve and its delivery system were presented at the exhibition held during the 10th annual international conference “Hybrid Technologies in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases”, one of the most authoritative medical events in Russia for specialists in the field of cardiac surgery. The conference was held in Moscow from February 3 to February 5, 2019 in the National Medical Research Center of Cardiology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Visitors could not only get to know the device more closely, but also closely communicate with valve developers who had come specially from Novosibirsk for this purpose. In addition, those who wished could independently carry out and install the valve into the existing model of the heart and vessels, assessing the user properties of the future product. Most of the visitors highly appreciated the company's efforts to develop such a serious high-tech device and expressed hope for the earliest appearance of a new domestic transcatheter valve in the clinic. The transcatheter aortic valve is an innovative bioprosthesis, indispensable for patients with heart failure, who are contraindicated in traditional surgical procedures. The use of the device allows to reduce the intervention in the patient's body and the associated health complications to a minimum: the implantation operation is carried out with the help of a catheter, without incision of the chest. In Russia, foreign analogs are still mainly used, with a value of up to 1.5 million rubles. It is expected that the development of Novosibirsk specialists will cost several times cheaper. The need of Russian medicine for such devices is about 40 thousand units per year, and the number of implantations to patients does not exceed a thousand, precisely because of the high price of imported products. “The demand for transcatheter aortic valves in our country is increasing, especially since the number of age-related diseases of heart valves is increasing worldwide, as the natural aging of the population and the increase in life expectancy. In addition, not only elderly patients are now confronted with heart failure, but also, for example, middle-aged people. However, a low-impact percutaneous implantation of the valve is still not available to a wide range of patients in our country due to the high cost of the instruments. We strive to contribute to the elimination of the shortage of such products in our country: each new operation with the use of our products is the execution in practice of the Angioline company's mission, which sounds like “more saved lives,” notes the medical director of Angioline LLC Oleg Volkov.

Подписавшись на рассылку новостей мы гарантируем, что будем отправлять не более одного - два письма в месяц. Основными темами рассылок будут достижения компании в области разработки оборудования и аксессуаров для ангиопластики.


Изготовление полимерных трубок медицинского назначения по индивидуальному заказу

Компания Ангиолайн принимает заказы на изготовление прецизионных полимерных трубок для производства медицинских изделий. Наши преимущества: опыт производства высокотехнологичных медицинских изделий более 15 лет, высококвалифицированные инженеры, современные экструзионные линии.

  • Трубки производятся методом экструзии из термопластичных полимерных материалов.
  • В наличии широкий выбор полимерных материалов различных цветов:
    • полиамиды,
    • полиолефины,
    • поливинилхлорид,
    • полиэфирблокамид (PEBA),
    • полиуретаны,
    • фторполимеры.
  • Диапазоны диаметров трубок: от 0,5 до 7 мм с точностью до 0,02 мм.
  • Толщина стенок трубок: до 0,1 мм с точностью до 0,02 мм.
  • Возможно изготовление из полимерных материалов с рентгенконтрастными наполнителями.
  • Возможна нарезка трубок или намотка на катушку.

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8 (383) 363-97-62
