
ANGIOLINE opened a new production site in the science city of Koltsovo

Angioline opened a new production site in Novosibirsk on September 18th, 2019. The ceremony was attended by First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexander Zhukov, Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Andrei Travnikov, member of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vladimir Gorodetsky, director of the department of regional, industrial policy and project management of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Vitaliy Khotsenko, director of Angioline Andrey Kudryashov and other officials. The production site is open on the territory of the Biotechnopark innovation center in the Koltsovo science city. The new research and production center occupies 9.5 thousand square meters, which will make it possible to double the production facilities previously owned by Angioline. The complex is of great importance both for the region and for the country as a whole: development and serial production of innovative devices and equipment for cardiovascular medicine is planned on it. The most important of them will be vascular retriever for thrombus extraction, transdermally implantable aortic valves and aortic stent graphs. More than 150 working places have been created due to the opening of the new productional site. The company's investment in construction amounted to more than 500 million rubles. “As a result of the commissioning of the new production site, we will be able to increase the output of innovative products for heart surgery, which will contribute to the development of medicine in our country. I would like to express appreciation for the support that is being provided to us in questions of the development of production by the administration of the Novosibirsk Region and at the federal level. It helps us to be not only a reliable partner for leading clinics that implement the state program of import substitution in medicine, but also successfully realize the mission of our company, which sounds like “More saved lives,” commented Andrey Kudryashov, director of Angioline. “The new production site is not just an important step in the development of the company, it is another high-tech production in the region. That's why the Angioline investment project has received support - as a flagship - in the framework of the program for the reindustrialization of the economy of the Novosibirsk Region, ”said the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Andrey Travnikov.

Подписавшись на рассылку новостей мы гарантируем, что будем отправлять не более одного - два письма в месяц. Основными темами рассылок будут достижения компании в области разработки оборудования и аксессуаров для ангиопластики.


Изготовление полимерных трубок медицинского назначения по индивидуальному заказу

Компания Ангиолайн принимает заказы на изготовление прецизионных полимерных трубок для производства медицинских изделий. Наши преимущества: опыт производства высокотехнологичных медицинских изделий более 15 лет, высококвалифицированные инженеры, современные экструзионные линии.

  • Трубки производятся методом экструзии из термопластичных полимерных материалов.
  • В наличии широкий выбор полимерных материалов различных цветов:
    • полиамиды,
    • полиолефины,
    • поливинилхлорид,
    • полиэфирблокамид (PEBA),
    • полиуретаны,
    • фторполимеры.
  • Диапазоны диаметров трубок: от 0,5 до 7 мм с точностью до 0,02 мм.
  • Толщина стенок трубок: до 0,1 мм с точностью до 0,02 мм.
  • Возможно изготовление из полимерных материалов с рентгенконтрастными наполнителями.
  • Возможна нарезка трубок или намотка на катушку.

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8 (383) 363-97-62
