
Angioline company declared beginnig of preclinical trials on the new tavi aortic valve at the international conference on hybrid technologies in managing cardiovascular diseases

ANGIOLINE Company took part in the VII International Academic and Research Conference on Hybrid Technologies in Managing Cardiovascular Diseases, traditionally organized by A.L. Myasnikov’s Russian Cardiological Research and Development Complex (RCRDC). Within the framework of the Conference, the Company declared the beginning of the large-scale trials on the new TAVI aortic valve developed by the Company last year. On December 20, 2015, within the framework of the Phase I preclinical trials on evaluation of the qualitative characteristics, held at E.N. Meshalkin’s Research and Development Institute of Blood Circulation Pathology (RDIBCP), this valve was placed to Borka male pig. The pig’s heart is much like the human one, therefore, in case further preclinical trials are successful, the valve can be used in the clinical studies. The Company is planning to carry out some more stages of the preclinical animal trials. The first clinical study is scheduled for the end of 2016.
Success of the first TAVI valve placement surpassed all expectations: neither problems with implantation nor subsequent complications were revealed. The pig felt well, gained weight and was extremely active.

The presentation of the trial results became one of the main events of the Conference. The data obtained after the TAVI valve implantation to the pig, the valve behavior pattern, as well as monitoring of the animal general condition, attracted a keen interest of the medical community. A spontaneous symposium occurred at ANGIOLINE’s stand with participation of the leading Russian physicians, such as R.S. Akchurin, Academician of the RAMS, Deputy Director General in Surgery of the Russian Cardiologic Research and Production Center, Timur Imayev, Leading Interventional Surgeon of Russia, the Russian Cardiology Center, Aleksey Protopopov, Head of the Regional Vascular Center and many others. The stand was also attended by I.N. Kagramanyan, Senior Deputy Minister of Public Health of RF, Academician Bagrat Gegamovich Alekyan, Leading Specialist of RF in Endovascular Diagnostics and Treatment, as well as Professor Irina Evgenevna Chazova, Chief Cardiologist of RF, Director of the A.L. Myasnikov’s Institute of Clinical Cardiology.

Подписавшись на рассылку новостей мы гарантируем, что будем отправлять не более одного - два письма в месяц. Основными темами рассылок будут достижения компании в области разработки оборудования и аксессуаров для ангиопластики.


Изготовление полимерных трубок медицинского назначения по индивидуальному заказу

Компания Ангиолайн принимает заказы на изготовление прецизионных полимерных трубок для производства медицинских изделий. Наши преимущества: опыт производства высокотехнологичных медицинских изделий более 15 лет, высококвалифицированные инженеры, современные экструзионные линии.

  • Трубки производятся методом экструзии из термопластичных полимерных материалов.
  • В наличии широкий выбор полимерных материалов различных цветов:
    • полиамиды,
    • полиолефины,
    • поливинилхлорид,
    • полиэфирблокамид (PEBA),
    • полиуретаны,
    • фторполимеры.
  • Диапазоны диаметров трубок: от 0,5 до 7 мм с точностью до 0,02 мм.
  • Толщина стенок трубок: до 0,1 мм с точностью до 0,02 мм.
  • Возможно изготовление из полимерных материалов с рентгенконтрастными наполнителями.
  • Возможна нарезка трубок или намотка на катушку.

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